“You don’t need to justify your love, you don’t need to explain your love, you just need to practice your love. Practice creates the master.” Don Miguel Ruiz



It is so easy to give our love to the people in our lives that mean the most to us. Do you give yourself as much love as you give to your mother, husband, child, dog? The idea of self-love is one that gets mentioned a lot in yoga classes. How can one cultivate this feeling without a sense of selfishness? My answer to this, honor yourself, give yourself time alone, or take the time to do something you love. Give yourself as much as you can, because if your cup is not full, how can you expect to give anything to the ones you love?

As students of yoga it is important to learn about the energetic subtleties that will help cultivate this sense of self-love. This energy resides in the same place we commonly feel it. The heart center. The physical location of the heart is where the ancient Indians discovered a very important energy center. This is called the Anahata Chakra, or simply the Heart Chakra. It is the fourth chakra in the line of energy up the Sushumna (energy line up the spine). At this point there is no conflict, only compassion for those around you and ultimately for yourself.

The best way to cultivate this self-love is through practice. This practice can be done in or outside of the yoga studio. Many books and meditations have been paired with yoga postures as tools to open the heart chakra. Teachers commonly use guided yoga classes as a safe place to assist students in learning how to open up to love.

So this Valentine’s Day take some time to honor yourself. Below is a series for you to practice at home to cultivate self-love.


Heart Opening Sequence to Cultivate Self-Love


1- Rest in Child’s pose (Balasana) for ten breaths

Set a one-word intention or a longer mantra for the practice. “I open myself to love and allow it to fill me up,” is one I like to say.


2- Cobra pose (Bhujganasana) for 5 breaths



3- Cat/Cow (Marjariasana) for 4 rounds with breath



4- Fish Pose (Matsyasana)- 10 breaths or more


5- Savanasa for 3-5 minutes.

Repeat your intention to yourself as you melt into the floor.


As you practice these postures stay focused on your intention. The repetition of the words will plant the feelings of your intention in the heart space.

“You have to love yourself because no amount of love from others is sufficient to fill the yearning that your soul requires from you” Dodinsky



Written by Meraki teacher Kenyon Neal

Join Kenyon on Wednesdays for Vinyasa 2 at 4.30pm and Fridays for Vinyasa 2 at 12.00pm and Restore Flow at 1.15pm