Doable 3 Day Detox

A Doable 3-Day Winter Detox With Recipes

If you’ve been following our blog this month, you’re probably eating a little healthier and drinking more water so, we think you’re ready for the next step — a 3-Day Cleanse!  Consider taking a weekend and devoting it to your health to press the “reset button” and rejuvenate your body.

Below is a sample 3-Day Winter detox that incorporates seasonal foods that are full of flavor, nourishing AND clean; supporting healthy digestion and the natural detoxification process.

This is a light detox and will not aggressively cleanse out your system. All of the recipes are gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free and anti-inflammatory!  (You’re welcome!) This detox mostly follows a vegan diet, but you can easily add meat if that better fits your needs. As you follow this detox, I encourage you to eliminate alcohol, products containing wheat, sugars and caffeine.  It’s just 3 days, don’t freak out! This will allow your body to fully eliminate waste. You can do this!

I would also suggest gathering all of your ingredients before starting the detox, because we all know what happens when we go to the grocery store when we are tempted.  (“These are organic Oreos, they’re healthy!”) Set yourself up for success by preparing beforehand!

As you are detoxing, it’s important to remember to stay hydrated and get good rest.  To take your detox a step further, take a heated yoga class to help mobilize toxins, or an epsom salt bath.  I hope you find this cleanse to be as helpful as it is delicious! Stay tuned next week for the last of the detox series on simple ways you can detoxify everyday.


3-Day Winter Detox Meal Plan Download


Written by Bailey Horner, Certified Nutritional Therapist

Instagram: @returningtotheroot

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